NetApp er blandt verdens største leverandører af storage- og backup løsninger. Consular og NetApp har et tæt samarbejde, og i 2020 blev Consular PRESTIGE partner, som er det højst opnåelige niveau. Desuden er vores konsulenter blandt de højst certificerede i Norden. Udover at konfigurere og levere NetApp’s infrastruktur til drift og backup, arbejder Consular også med NetApp’s software. Dette gør sig bl.a. gældende ved monitorering, analyse og fejlsøgning i datacentre på tværs af platforme, rapporteringer på eksisterende udstyr eller mere enkle værktøjer såsom de-duplikering og komprimering, hvor der i visse miljøer gives garanti for kapacitetsbesparelse. Desuden tilpasser vi softwaren, så rapportering og overvågning kan matche specifikke krav.
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Nutanix delivers software for Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI), where server / storage and network are delivered in the same physical appliance, which i.a. allows for one-click upgrades, simple interface management, etc. Nutanix is the leader in Gartner's / Forrester quadrants, which emphasize their new thinking. Ergo, many complex processes and functions are now simplified using software, which is continuously expanded with new services for a simple infrastructure. Nutanix is best known for their proprietary hypervisor (Acropolis). Consular's Nutanix customers make extensive use of this feature.
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Consular has a collaboration with Kostner, where we together focus on reducing customers' costs. The analysis work and reporting emphasize optimization of the placement of data and the associated cost structure. Most often, the solution is hybrid, but can also be pure on-prem or pure cloud based. The choices are many and the pitfalls are innumerable.
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Consular has delivered several major solutions in collaboration with Commvault. One of the solutions was delivered to a large Danish bank in collaboration with Fujitsu, where backup appliances were also included in the project. The solution connects 3 data centers, and handles backup and restore of applications. In addition, data is separated in the process to meet compliance requirements in connection with functional separation.
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Consular collaborates with Veeam on a number of major customers & projects. For example, Consular has delivered a large solution (240 sockets) to a global customer who uses Veeam as backup software in their VMware environment. Consular's consultants handled the rollout of the solution in collaboration with the customer. In addition, Consular has recently carried out a Veeam rollout at one of our Nutanix customers, where documentation and process descriptions were prepared in parallel for future use.
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Consular often involves VMware resources in larger projects with our customers, provided that vSphere is the foundation of your virtual server infrastructure, we can assist. The tasks are typically related to daily VMware operational tasks, compliance, security, optimization and proactive maintenance. Especially in security, we see the importance of your platform being reviewed and evaluated in relation to the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) that are relevant to the products you use.
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Fujitsu is a leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company with a complete portfolio of products, solutions and services that help companies become more efficient through digital transformation. Fujitsu and Consular are collaborating in several areas. For example, Consular has a subcontractor agreement where Consular provides consulting services to Fujitsu's partners & end customers. In addition, Consular has sold several of Fujitsu's backup solutions.
Cisco and Consular have jointly delivered several major FlexPod solutions (NetApp storage certified and validated with Cisco servers) to our common customers. There are more than 100 different validated designs that NetApp and Cisco have jointly developed, and the solutions are installed 'end-to-end' by our consultants. Finally, Consular also specializes in Cisco's traditional data center solutions as well as their Hyper Converged solution - HyperFlex.
In addition to Lenovo striving to be the leading company in personal technology, Lenovo has really got a "footprint" in the data center, where they deliver solutions in software, networks, servers and storage to some of Denmark's largest customers. Consular has for a long time collaborated with Lenovo to provide infrastructure for customers' data centers, and especially solutions based on Lenovo servers and Nutanix software have gained market share with customers.