CUSTOMER // Købstædernes Forsikring (KF)
Insourcing and new strategy
Købstædernes Forsikring (KF), which has +90,000 customers, had for a number of years placed both data and development tasks 'out in the city'. When considering the repatriation of several of these, it was natural to also look at one's own data center platform. For a number of years, KF had built a 'multicultural' data center, operated on a Hyper-V platform, which resulted in several man-hours for operation and not least maintenance. If one was to comply with the business' requirements for possible expansions of the infrastructure, it was therefore necessary to look at a flexible, scalable and simple platform.

Million savings & simple administration
An internal business case was calculated on the various scenarios, where a million savings emerged over a five-year period. Consular assisted in this regard with possible cost scenarios from other customers' experiences, which were finally compared with the required scalability and flexibility.
When the finances were in place, KF wanted to test the functionality before the acquisition, so Consular provided a solution. After two weeks of testing, KF acquired a 4-node Nutanix hybrid cluster, and at the same time, KF chose to use Nutanix's Acropolis hypervisor, as it is included in the solution free of charge. The reason for this choice was that KF wanted an easier and simpler administration, where everything was gathered in one place.
Simple and scalable
The installation and migration was a success, and KF has subsequently expanded the cluster, which now contains 14 nodes. KF took home a Citrix application with associated users, and in part of their environment, SSD nodes have been acquired, where KF settles specific performance-dependent insurance applications. Finally, KF has placed a Nutanix solution as a backup on the 2nd site, to which the most important data is replicated.
The entire solution is still monitored by one and the same GUI.

More about Købstædernes Forsikring
Denmark's oldest insurance company
Købstædernes Forsikring has existed since 1761, which makes them Denmark's oldest insurance company. They are not owned by a fund or by shareholders, but owned by their own customers.